Welcome to SmartBrake  

Smartbrake is an electronic monitoring system that is designed to prevent driverless runaway of heavy vehicles. In the event the park brake has not been applied and the driver has left the vehicle. Smartbrake monitors a number of critical parameters within the heavy vehicle.

These parameters pertain to the drivers position in the vehicle, the vehicles speed, the condition of the park brake and the door status. Under very specific circumstance this system then applies the heavy vehicles park brake automatically.

In the event that Smartbrake activates the handbrake, when the driver returns to the vehicle an audio alarm will prompt him to turn the system off.

The lkatest technology Smartbrake Plus is completely automatic and requires no driver interaction to operate. Hence there is no driver training required and no special instruction for use.

Do not be fooled by fake copies Smartbrake is the original Australian designed product with years of industry expereince and testing.

Due to a change in the direction of the parent company Smartbrake systems and its associated technology is for sale.

Smartbrake Systems and the associated technology domain name trademark and all IP is currently for sale.

Please contact Extron